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In a middle-class neighbourhood of Bhubaneswar, 21-year-old Adityaexcels both in academics and dance. Behind his perfect reportcards and graceful performances lies a dark reality - his father, a respec In a middle-class neighbourhood of Bhubaneswar, 21-year-old Adityaexcels both in academics and dance. Behind his perfect reportcards and graceful performances lies a dark reality - his father, a respected police officer, regularly abuses his mother and forceshim to abandon dance. As Entrance exams approach, the pressureintensifies. His father's violent outbursts increase, his mothersilently weeps, and his dance guru notices his absence from class.One evening, after being beaten for attending a dance competitionsecretly, Aditya makes a decision that shakes the entirecommunity. His suicide asks a simple yet haunting question: "Whois guilty?" As the story unfolds through the perspectives of hisfather, mother, dance guru, and friends, society is forced toconfront its role in pushing a young talent to the edge. Read More Read Less
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